
India’s consumer market is the next BIG thing – here’s why | Two GPs Walk…

  • DATE 06.08.2024
  • TIME 00:57 sec

Two GPs Walk Into A Bar – Ep.03 | Nikhil Vora | Sandeep Sinha

  • DATE 05.08.2024
  • TIME 34:05 mins

Family Offices: Short-Term Wins or Lasting Legacy? | Sandeep Sinha | EP5

  • DATE 17.07.2024
  • TIME 01:35 mins

Which Investment Strategy Reigns Supreme – Direct or Fund? | Sandeep Sinha | EP 4

  • DATE 17.07.2024
  • TIME 01:37 mins

Do Private Markets hold the blueprint for future listed leaders? | Sandeep Sinha | EP…

  • DATE 16.07.2024
  • TIME 01:32 mins

Can you afford to skip diligence? Why it matters more than ever | Sandeep Sinha…

  • DATE 16.07.2024
  • TIME 02:36 mins

The Metric Maze: IRR, DPI, MOIC | Sandeep Sinha | EP1

  • DATE 16.07.2024
  • TIME 02:50 mins

From IFC to Oister: A journey of Identifying Market Opportunities | EP 3

  • DATE 09.07.2024
  • TIME 02:51 mins

2 GPs Walk Into A Bar – Ep.02 | Alka Goel | Rohit Bhayana

  • DATE 19.06.2024
  • TIME 50:17 mins

I have ZERO problem facing rejection” | The Truth about Fundraising

  • DATE 19.06.2024
  • TIME 03:20 mins

How Exit Strategies Shape India’s DPI | EP2

  • DATE 17.06.2024
  • TIME 03.00 mins

From False Starts to Market Dominance: The Explosive Transformation of Private Markets in India –EP1

  • DATE 14.06.2024
  • TIME 4.57 mins

The Private Compass – Guided by Oister | Sandeep Sinha | Shrishti Sahu

  • DATE 30.05.2024
  • TIME 21.54 mins

Up, Close & Private with Sandeep Sinha

  • DATE 24.05.2024
  • TIME 6.02 mins

Oister Global Rolls Out ₹440 Cr Fund To Fuel Consumption & Tech Sectors

  • DATE 01.05.2024
  • TIME 6.40 mins

Two GPs Walk Into A Bar

  • DATE 01.04.2024
  • TIME 25.33 mins

In the Chair With Our CIO | Exploring Due Diligence Methodology

  • DATE 12.23.2024
  • TIME 12.29 mins

Managing Generational Wealth With An Institutional Mindset

  • DATE 27.02.2024
  • TIME 1 mins

The Miracle of a Continuity Fund

  • DATE 19.02.2024
  • TIME 5.19 mins

Oister Global Surpasses ₹100 Crore AUM, Targets ₹1,000 Crore in 2024 CNBC TV18

  • DATE 03.04.2024
  • TIME 6.18 mins

DPI – The Gold Standard To Measure Fund Success

  • DATE 19.02.2024
  • TIME 4.18 mins

Important information

The information on the website of Oister Global is for informational purposes for creating awareness about private markets as a financial product and is not meant for sales, promotion or solicitation of business or investment.

Content on this website may be taken from sources that are believed to be reliable (but may not necessarily have been independently verified), and such information should not be relied upon while making investment decisions. The content herein does not take into account individual investor’s objectives, risk appetite or financial needs or circumstances or the suitability of the products. Hence, investors are advised to consult their professional investment adviser/ consultant/ tax advisor for investment advice in this regard.

An investor should, before making any investment decision, seek appropriate professional advice.