Chief Investment Officer

David Wilton serves as the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) at Oister Global, bringing an impressive 37 years of experience in the financial sector to the table, with a remarkable 22-year tenure dedicated to investing in Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC) funds for institutional portfolios.

His expertise extends to pioneering investment programs in emerging markets and impact investing, making him a valuable asset to the team.

At Oister, David spearheads the establishment and execution of the due diligence process crucial for identifying and selecting funds. His passion lies in identifying exceptional General Partners (GPs) with robust, sustainable franchises, particularly in the dynamic market landscape of India.

Throughout his illustrious career, David has achieved numerous milestones, including engaging in debates on Monetary Policy with renowned economists like Milton Friedman, building a formidable track record at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), meeting global icons like Nelson Mandela, and making significant contributions to the development of impact investing education through his work at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

David’s professional journey began at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, followed by pivotal roles at Colonial Mutual (now part of Commonwealth Bank of Australia), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank, where he managed private equity and real estate portfolios. His leadership at IFC’s Private Equity & Investment Funds Department resulted in substantial growth and impressive returns, setting the stage for his impactful role at Oister.

Educationally, David holds a Master of Commerce with First Class Honors from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Beyond his professional pursuits, he is an avid collector of New Zealand art, a patron of the New Zealand entry in the Venice Biennale, and finds solace in gardening and jazz music.

When not immersed in the financial realm, David enjoys unwinding with a glass of red wine while tending to his garden or indulging in jazz music. A unique fact about David is his adventurous palate—he once sampled rat meat in Ghana, likening its taste to that of rabbit.

David’s guiding mantra, “Qui Volunt Valent,” reflects his steadfast belief in the power of determination and will during challenging times, embodying his resilience and drive for excellence in all endeavors.

At Oister, David’s wealth of experience, unwavering passion, and commitment to excellence continue to drive the mission forward.

Important information

The information on the website of Oister Global is for informational purposes for creating awareness about private markets as a financial product and is not meant for sales, promotion or solicitation of business or investment.

Content on this website may be taken from sources that are believed to be reliable (but may not necessarily have been independently verified), and such information should not be relied upon while making investment decisions. The content herein does not take into account individual investor’s objectives, risk appetite or financial needs or circumstances or the suitability of the products. Hence, investors are advised to consult their professional investment adviser/ consultant/ tax advisor for investment advice in this regard.

An investor should, before making any investment decision, seek appropriate professional advice.